The statutes of the Dashrath Prasad Singh Group of Institutions are formulated to ensure compliance with educational standards and to guide the operational framework of the group. These include:

Academic Statutes

The academic statutes at the DPS Group of Institutions are meticulously crafted to uphold the highest standards of education and to ensure a rigorous, structured, and equitable academic environment across all its affiliated institutions and colleges. These statutes govern the entire academic process, from curriculum design and evaluation to academic integrity and student progression.

    1. Curriculum Design and Development

    • Regulatory Compliance: The curriculum for all programs is designed in accordance with guidelines provided by relevant regulatory bodies such as AICTE, UGC, PCI, and the Bar Council of India. The curriculum is periodically reviewed and updated to incorporate the latest industry trends and academic advancements.
    • Program Structure: Each academic program is structured to include a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge, practical application, and research opportunities. The program structure is divided into semesters or trimesters, depending on the course, with clearly defined credit requirements for each component.

    2. Teaching and Learning

    • Faculty Responsibilities: Faculty members are required to adhere to the prescribed syllabi and to employ innovative teaching methodologies that enhance learning outcomes. This includes the use of digital tools, case studies, fieldwork, and collaborative projects.
    • Learning Resources: The institutions provide access to a wide range of learning resources, including libraries, online databases, laboratories, and workshops. Students are encouraged to engage in self-directed learning, with support from faculty and academic advisors.

    3. Examinations and Assessments

    • Continuous Evaluation: The evaluation process includes a combination of continuous assessment through assignments, quizzes, projects, and mid-term exams, along with final examinations. This approach ensures a comprehensive assessment of the student’s knowledge and skills.
    • Grading System: A standardized grading system is implemented across all institutions, with grades assigned based on the cumulative performance of the student. The grading system adheres to national and international benchmarks for academic excellence.
    • Examination Conduct: Examinations are conducted with strict adherence to academic integrity. Any form of malpractice is met with severe penalties as per the institution’s code of conduct.

    4. Academic Progression

    • Promotion Criteria: Students must meet the minimum credit and grade requirements to progress to the next academic level. Specific criteria are outlined for each program, and students failing to meet these requirements may be required to repeat courses or semesters.
    • Remedial Support: Institutions offer remedial classes and academic counseling for students who require additional support. This ensures that all students have the opportunity to meet the required academic standards.

    5. Research and Innovation

    • Research Initiatives: The DPS Group of Institutions places a strong emphasis on research and innovation. Faculty and students are encouraged to engage in research projects, and the institutions provide the necessary infrastructure and funding to support these initiatives.
    • Publication and Dissemination: Research findings are expected to be published in reputable academic journals or presented at conferences. The institutions also encourage the development of patents and collaborations with industry partners.

    6. Academic Integrity

    • Code of Conduct: All members of the academic community are required to adhere to a strict code of conduct that promotes honesty, fairness, and respect. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited.
    • Disciplinary Actions: Violations of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary action, which may include academic penalties, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense.

    7. Student Support Services

    • Academic Advising: Each student is assigned an academic advisor who provides guidance on course selection, career planning, and academic challenges. Advisors work closely with students to ensure they are on track to meet their academic goals.
    • Counseling and Well-being: The institutions offer counseling services to support the mental and emotional well-being of students. Workshops and seminars on stress management, time management, and personal development are regularly conducted.

    8. Quality Assurance and Accreditation

    • Internal Audits: Regular internal audits are conducted to ensure that all academic programs meet the highest standards of quality. These audits include reviews of teaching practices, student feedback, and learning outcomes.
    • External Accreditation: All programs and institutions under the DPS Group of Institutions are accredited by relevant national and international bodies, ensuring that the degrees awarded are recognized globally.

    9. Graduation and Awarding of Degrees

    • Degree Requirements: Students must fulfill all academic requirements, including the completion of all prescribed courses, submission of dissertations or projects, and passing all examinations, to be eligible for graduation.
    • Convocation: Degrees are awarded at an annual convocation ceremony, which is a formal recognition of the students’ academic achievements. The ceremony is attended by faculty, students, and their families, as well as distinguished guests from academia and industry.

    These academic statutes form the foundation of the DPS Group of Institutions’ commitment to excellence in education. They ensure that every student receives a high-quality education that prepares them for successful careers and lifelong learning.

      Faculty Statutes

      The DPS Group of Institutions upholds a set of faculty statutes designed to ensure that its academic staff meet the highest standards of professionalism, expertise, and dedication. These statutes are integral to maintaining the quality of education and fostering a productive, supportive, and innovative academic environment across all affiliated institutions and colleges.

      1. Qualifications and Appointments

      • Academic Credentials: Faculty members are required to hold advanced degrees relevant to their field of instruction, typically a Ph.D. or equivalent for higher education levels, along with appropriate academic and professional qualifications as mandated by regulatory bodies such as AICTE, UGC, and PCI.
      • Selection Process: The appointment process involves a rigorous selection procedure, including a detailed review of academic credentials, professional experience, and a successful interview process. All appointments are made based on merit, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates are chosen.

      2. Professional Development

      • Continuous Learning: Faculty members are encouraged to engage in continuous professional development through workshops, conferences, and advanced training. The institution supports this development by providing resources and opportunities for attending and presenting at relevant academic and industry events.
      • Research and Publications: Faculty are expected to contribute to their fields through research and publication in reputable journals. The institutions provide support for research activities and recognize faculty achievements in research and scholarship.

      3. Teaching Responsibilities

      • Curriculum Delivery: Faculty are responsible for delivering the curriculum effectively, utilizing a range of teaching methods to enhance student learning. This includes preparing lectures, conducting practical sessions, and creating assessments that align with the academic standards set by the institution.
      • Student Engagement: Faculty are expected to actively engage with students, providing academic guidance, mentorship, and support. This includes holding regular office hours, participating in academic advising, and addressing student queries and concerns.

      4. Performance Evaluation

      • Regular Appraisals: Faculty performance is evaluated through regular appraisals that consider teaching effectiveness, research output, and contributions to institutional activities. Feedback from students, peers, and departmental heads is incorporated into these evaluations.
      • Promotion Criteria: Advancement in faculty ranks is based on a clear set of criteria, including demonstrated teaching excellence, research contributions, and involvement in academic and administrative roles. Promotions are merit-based and are conducted in accordance with institutional policies.

      5. Ethical Standards

      • Academic Integrity: Faculty members are required to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, ensuring fairness and objectivity in grading, assessments, and interactions with students.
      • Professional Conduct: Faculty are expected to maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions, adhering to institutional codes of conduct and ethical guidelines. This includes respecting diversity, fostering an inclusive learning environment, and avoiding any conflicts of interest.

      6. Administrative Duties

      • Committee Participation: Faculty members may be required to participate in various academic and administrative committees, contributing to decision-making processes related to curriculum development, student affairs, and institutional policies.
      • Institutional Responsibilities: In addition to teaching and research, faculty are involved in institutional responsibilities such as program accreditation, quality assurance, and community outreach, enhancing the overall functioning of the institution.

      7. Work-Life Balance

      • Support Systems: The institution is committed to supporting faculty in achieving a balance between professional and personal life. This includes providing a supportive work environment, offering flexible working arrangements when possible, and promoting well-being and work-life harmony.

      8. Compensation and Benefits

      • Remuneration: Faculty members receive competitive salaries and benefits that are commensurate with their qualifications and experience. Compensation packages are regularly reviewed to ensure alignment with industry standards and institutional budgets.
      • Benefits: Additional benefits include health insurance, retirement plans, and professional development allowances. These benefits are designed to support the well-being and professional growth of faculty members.

      9. Dispute Resolution

      • Grievance Procedures: The institution has established procedures for addressing and resolving any grievances or disputes that faculty members may have. This includes a fair and transparent process for handling issues related to employment, academic disputes, and workplace concerns.

      These faculty statutes are designed to ensure that the DPS Group of Institutions attracts, retains, and supports a high caliber of academic professionals. By adhering to these guidelines, the institutions foster an environment of academic excellence and integrity, contributing to the overall success and reputation of the DPS Group of Institutions.


      Ordinances within the DPS Group provide specific regulations and guidelines to manage day-to-day operations and address administrative matters. These include:

      The DPS Group of Institutions maintains a set of Disciplinary Ordinances to ensure a conducive and respectful academic environment across all its affiliated institutions and colleges. These ordinances are designed to uphold standards of conduct, address violations, and enforce disciplinary measures in a fair and transparent manner.

      1. Code of Conduct

      • Academic Integrity: All students, faculty, and staff are expected to adhere to high standards of academic integrity, including honesty in examinations, assignments, and research. Plagiarism, cheating, and falsification of records are strictly prohibited.
      • Professional Behavior: Members of the academic community must conduct themselves with professionalism and respect towards others. This includes adhering to institutional values, respecting diversity, and maintaining a positive learning environment.

      2. Violation of Ordinances

      • Types of Violations: Common violations include academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarism), disruptive behavior, substance abuse, harassment, and vandalism. Specific behaviors that contravene institutional policies are outlined in the student and staff handbooks.
      • Reporting Mechanism: Violations can be reported by students, faculty, or staff through formal channels, including grievance redressal systems or directly to designated disciplinary authorities.

      3. Disciplinary Procedures

      • Investigation: Upon receiving a report of a violation, an initial investigation is conducted to gather facts and evidence. This may involve interviews, review of documents, and consultation with relevant parties.
      • Hearing: A formal hearing may be convened to provide the accused party an opportunity to present their case. The hearing committee, composed of senior faculty and administrative staff, reviews the evidence and makes a determination based on institutional policies.
      • Decision: Following the hearing, a decision is made regarding the appropriate disciplinary action. The decision is communicated to the involved parties, along with the rationale and any penalties imposed.

      4. Disciplinary Actions

      • Warnings: For minor violations, a written warning may be issued, outlining the nature of the violation and the required corrective actions.
      • Probation: In cases of repeated or more serious violations, students or staff may be placed on disciplinary probation, during which their behavior is closely monitored, and they must adhere to specific conditions.
      • Suspension: Temporary suspension from classes or institutional activities may be imposed for significant violations. This action is taken to protect the integrity of the academic environment while the situation is reviewed.
      • Expulsion/Termination: For severe or repeated offenses, expulsion (for students) or termination of employment (for faculty/staff) may be implemented. This is a last resort and follows a thorough review process.

      5. Appeal Process

      • Right to Appeal: Individuals subject to disciplinary actions have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted within a specified period, detailing the grounds for the appeal and any supporting evidence.
      • Appeal Review: An appeal review committee, separate from the original hearing committee, evaluates the appeal and determines whether the original decision should be upheld, modified, or overturned.

      6. Support and Counseling

      • Counseling Services: The institution offers counseling services to support individuals who may be involved in disciplinary processes. This includes providing guidance on managing stress and understanding institutional policies.
      • Educational Programs: To prevent future violations, the institution may conduct educational programs on topics such as academic integrity, ethics, and respectful behavior.

      7. Confidentiality and Record Keeping

      • Confidentiality: All disciplinary proceedings are conducted with a high level of confidentiality to protect the privacy of individuals involved. Information is shared only with those directly involved in the process.
      • Records: Disciplinary records are maintained securely and are accessible only to authorized personnel. These records are used to track behavior and ensure consistent application of disciplinary measures.

      8. Compliance with Regulations

      • Legal Compliance: The disciplinary ordinances are designed to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including anti-discrimination laws and educational regulations.
      • Policy Review: The ordinances are reviewed periodically to ensure they remain current and effective. Updates are made as necessary to reflect changes in legal standards or institutional priorities.

      These Disciplinary Ordinances ensure that the DPS Group of Institutions maintains a high standard of conduct and addresses issues in a manner that is fair, transparent, and consistent with the values of the institution. By upholding these standards, the institutions create a supportive and respectful environment conducive to academic and personal growth.

      Grievance Redressal Ordinances

        The DPS Group of Institutions has established comprehensive Grievance Redressal Ordinances to ensure that any concerns, complaints, or disputes are addressed in a fair, efficient, and transparent manner. These ordinances are designed to uphold the rights of students, faculty, and staff while maintaining a conducive academic environment.

        1. Purpose and Scope

        • Objective: The primary objective of the Grievance Redressal Ordinances is to provide a systematic process for resolving grievances related to academic and non-academic issues. This includes complaints regarding faculty, administrative staff, academic policies, and institutional practices.
        • Scope: The ordinances apply to all members of the academic community, including students, faculty, and staff, and cover a wide range of issues such as unfair treatment, discrimination, academic disputes, and administrative inefficiencies.

        2. Grievance Submission

        • Channels for Filing: Grievances can be submitted through multiple channels, including online grievance portals, physical grievance boxes, or directly to designated grievance redressal committees. Specific contact information and submission procedures are provided in institutional handbooks and on the official website.
        • Format: Complaints should be submitted in writing, providing detailed information about the issue, the parties involved, and any supporting evidence. This helps in conducting a thorough investigation.

        3. Grievance Redressal Process

        • Acknowledgment: Upon receipt of a grievance, an acknowledgment is sent to the complainant, confirming that the grievance has been received and is being processed.
        • Initial Review: An initial review is conducted to determine the nature and validity of the grievance. This includes assessing whether the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the grievance redressal mechanism.
        • Investigation: If the grievance is deemed valid, a detailed investigation is carried out. This may involve gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and consulting relevant documents. The investigation is conducted impartially and confidentially.

        4. Resolution and Action

        • Resolution: Based on the findings of the investigation, a resolution is proposed. This may involve corrective actions, disciplinary measures, or changes to institutional policies or practices.
        • Decision Communication: The decision is communicated to the complainant and other relevant parties. The resolution may include recommendations for addressing the grievance and any actions to be taken.
        • Implementation: If the grievance is upheld, the recommended actions or corrective measures are implemented in a timely manner to address the issue effectively.

        5. Appeal Process

        • Right to Appeal: If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, they have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted within a specified timeframe and should outline the grounds for the appeal.
        • Appeal Review: An appeal review committee, distinct from the original grievance handling committee, evaluates the appeal. The committee may review the investigation process and the resolution to ensure fairness and adherence to institutional policies.

        6. Confidentiality and Protection

        • Confidentiality: All grievance proceedings are conducted with the utmost confidentiality. The identity of the complainant and details of the grievance are protected throughout the process.
        • Protection Against Retaliation: The institution has a strict policy against retaliation. Complainants are protected from any adverse consequences as a result of filing a grievance. This policy ensures that individuals can raise concerns without fear of reprisal.

        7. Monitoring and Review

        • Tracking and Reporting: The grievance redressal system includes mechanisms for tracking the status of grievances and reporting on the outcomes. Regular reports are generated to review trends and ensure the effectiveness of the process.
        • Policy Review: The grievance redressal ordinances are reviewed periodically to ensure they remain effective and aligned with best practices. Updates are made as necessary to address emerging issues and improve the system.

        8. Support and Resources

        • Counselling Services: Support services are available to assist individuals who are involved in the grievance process. This includes counseling and guidance to help manage the stress associated with filing and addressing grievances.
        • Awareness Programs: The institution conducts awareness programs to educate the academic community about the grievance redressal process, ensuring that everyone is informed about their rights and the procedures for raising concerns.

        These Grievance Redressal Ordinances are integral to the DPS Group of Institutions’ commitment to maintaining a fair, equitable, and transparent academic environment. By providing a structured mechanism for addressing grievances, the institutions ensure that all members of the academic community have access to a just and effective means of resolving issues.

        These Acts, Statutes, and Ordinances collectively ensure that the Dashrath Prasad Singh Group of Institutions adheres to legal and educational standards, fostering an environment of integrity, excellence, and accountability.